Automation and control of public procurement
Procurement is an integral part of any company. The information-analytical system "Automation and control of public procurement" automates the activities of the committees of competitive bidding and monitoring of the bidding procedures. The system architecture is based on web-based technologies, and provides access to users through web-based interface with a browser. The information-analytical system "Automation and control of public procurement" consists of 2 main jobs: - Workplace Committee Secretary competitive bidding;
- Workplace employee supervisory authority.
The organization of work in the information-analytical system "Automation and control of public procurement" is schematically shown in Figure. FEATURES: For the secretary of the committee bidding: For supervisory officer: - Monitoring of public procurement;
- Report generation: The procedures for the procurement regarding the participants in procurement procedures and their price offers, and according to official statistics (form number 1);
- Monitor the activities of members of the Committees on competitive bidding in real time;
- Adding comments to the generated document in online.
The information-analytical system "Automation and control of public procurement" ensure the publication of information on public procurement for the visitors in the outer part of the System. The system is implemented and successfully operates in such organizations: the Kyiv City State Administration, the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine, Odessa City Council, the State Registration Service of Ukraine.